Self-healing through tarot, poetry, and art remain my three joys. To that end, I’ve been working on 2025 classes and updating giveaways for those who subscribe to my monthly newsletter.
This month’s newsletter features a tarot layout, Leadership Dynamics, based on subscriber questions. Subscribers also have the chance to attend a free zoom this month, “A Little Magic with the Magician.”
When you sign up for my newsletter (sign-up form can be found on my Home or Contact pages), you receive: Tarot as Self-Portrait (a guide sheet that walks you through how to make personal tarot card art); Thirteen Writing Writing Prompts: Based on the Power and Creativity of Iconic Women (a prompt booklet with beautiful visuals designed to help you write new work from multiple points of view); and Six Steps to Tarot Journaling (a guide to beginning a life-long conversation using any tarot deck).
Both Tarot as Self-Portrait and Six Steps to Tarot Journaling are based on my Heart’s Compass Tarot: Discover Tarot Journaling and Create New Cards workbook. Thirteen Writing Prompts is based on my first poetry collection, November Butterfly. I am indebted to Saddle Road Press for publishing November Butterfly and my second poetry collection, The Fool in the Corn, and to their imprint, Two Fine Crows Books, for publishing the tarot workbook.
Photo at the top of this post reveals the Tarot as Self Portrait card I made for the Queen of Wands. Pictured is the Rider Waite Smith version of the Queen, my personal Queen of Wands as self-portrait, and my late tarot cat Luna (see the reel I made for her in memoriam @heartscompasstarot). To hear my story of the making of this personal card, watch the Tarot as Self-Portrait introductory video I originally made for the class several years ago. I will be teaching this course again this year–stay tuned!
I’m engaged in a daily practice of recording a poem a day; below I’ve given you all thirteen voice recordings that correspond to the newsletter giveaway, Thirteen Writing Prompts. They are just that–rough cuts, voice memos recorded on my phone, and in exchange, I receive a song in progress from my partner in daily sharing. This is a new practice I’m a mere 21 days into, and continues to be as valuable to me for anchoring me in joy as my daily Tarot for Two practice with my tarot buddy. I’d love to hear about your own “daily sharing” that anchors you in joy.
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to see you in tarot class in April: Tarot Journaling: The Hierophant, or my Heart’s Compass 30-Day Tarot Poetry Challenge.
Audio Recordings for November Butterfly (poems referenced in the Thirteen Writing Prompts):